Dynion Mwyn

Gwyddoniad or Welsh Shamanism

“Shamanic ecstasy is the real ‘Old Time Religion, ‘ of which modern churches are but pallid evocations. Shamanic, visionary ecstasy, the mysterium tremendum, the unio mystica, the eternally delightful experience of the universe as energy, is a sine qua non of religion; it is what religion is for! There is no need for faith, it is the ecstatic experience itself that gives one faith in the intrinsic unity and integrity of the universe, in ourselves as integral parts of the whole; that reveals to us the sublime majesty of our universe, and the fluctuant, scintillant, alchemical miracle that is quotidian consciousness. Any religion that requires faith and gives none, that defends against religious experiences, that promulgates the bizarre superstition that humankind is in some way separate, divorced from the rest of creation, that heals not the gaping wound between Body and Soul, but would tear them asunder… is no religion at all!”Jonathan Ott

The Welsh Faerie Witch evolved from the Indo-European culture which had shamanism as its link between the tribes and the Gods. Shamanism and Faerie Gwyddon Witchcraft are very much alike in concept and theology. The Magick which was performed by the Ancient Witches and Gwyddon are very similar in nature. The Celts had very specific words for their religious clergy and Shaman was not one of them. The term Gwyddon was most commonly related to those of religious function who were among the common class of people. Druidism, which is also a component of Dynion Mwyn, was a firm part of the noble social order and ruling class, rather than being at the fringes of society. Druids were a part of the political and judicial structure and Gwyddons were mainly healers and visionaries. Druids conducted formal training for many years in a well structured scholastic system. Gwyddonism was most commonly taught under a single master with very few students.

This synthesis of the Gwyddon and Druid elements occurred in the late 13th century. By combining the elements of Shamanism, Pagan religion, natural healing, psychic development and magickal manifestation, the Welsh Gwyddon became travelers in the “OtherWorld.”Many Celtic “OtherWorld” journeys are told about people who have gone there unwillingly and without any control over the experience. Faerie Witches and Gwyddons are masters of controlling their trips into the “OtherWorld, ” deciding when and where they will go. They experience what we call a “State of Ecstasy.”

“The Shaman looks, the Shaman sees, the Shaman reaches inside of me. He pulls the evil from my chest, and throws away the nasty mess. I feel much better, my spirit clean, I am now nice, where I was mean. Thank you sir, you rang my bell. You cured my ills and made me well. The Shaman woke and looked at me. You cured yourself he said with glee. Where you were sick and now are well, you believed my words that I did tell. You opened up your heart you see. You felt your love reach out to me…” Rhuddlwm Gawr